Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Impeaching Dick Cheney

Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced a resolution today calling for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney, and the House leadership was unable to kill it.

Apparently Republicans decided the debate over impeachment would so horrify the American people, Democrats would pay an enormous political price for it.

We'll see.

America Wants to Know called for the impeachment of Vice President Cheney back in July, when a new biography by Stephen Hayes revealed that the vice president illegally authorized the shoot-down of U.S. passenger planes over Washington, D.C., without even informing the president or the defense secretary until much later.

The vice president is not in the military chain of command. If the president is unreachable or incapicitated, the power to order the shoot-down of a plane belongs not to the vice president, but to the Secretary of Defense.

You can read that July 18 post, "Dick Cheney's impeachable offense," at this link.

America Wants To Know does not agree with Rep. Dennis Kucinich very often (okay, never), but we are forced to concede in this case that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

C-SPAN has links to the impeachment resolution, or click here.

Copyright 2007
