Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Ron Paul supporters pay troops' return fare

The Ron Paul campaign raised over $4 million in one day yesterday. "Earth-shattering, jaw-dropping" the campaign's e-mail said, and that was when the total was just $3.8 million dollars. The campaign said it took in more than 35,000 donations, 21,000 from new donors.

Ten-term Texas Congressman Ron Paul wants to reduce the amount of money America spends overseas on military installations and foreign aid, and use that money to reduce the deficit and keep programs like Social Security and Medicare solvent for all the people who depend on them.

He says the Iraq war was a mistake, begun without the constitutionally required declaration of war from the U.S. Congress. He says it is making the people of the United States less safe, not more safe. He wants to bring U.S. troops home immediately.

He is opposed to a nuclear first-strike against Iran.

He favors a return to sound currency so the purchasing power of the dollar doesn't decline every year and reduce your standard of living.

He favors less government, more freedom, and lower taxes. He wants to abolish the IRS and fund the federal government the way it was funded before the income tax was instituted early in the twentieth century.

He says the government would work a lot better if we would just follow the Constitution.

If you've ever paid ten dollars to see a movie, you didn't get as good a show as this would be.

Drop by RonPaul2008.com and pick up a button.

Copyright 2007

Editor's note: You might be interested in the earlier posts, "Why you should vote for Ron Paul," "Ron Paul's military secret" and "Ron Paul's good question."
