Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Ron Paul's military secret

Perhaps the most under-reported fact about GOP candidate Ron Paul's eye-popping third-quarter fundraising haul was this, buried down at paragraph thirteen of last week's ABC News report by Jake Tapper and Z. Byron Wolf:

A study by the Center for Responsive Politics found Paul received more campaign cash from members of the military than any other Republican presidential candidate.

The study of contributions of $200 and more during the first two quarters shows that Paul has raised three times as much from members of the military as what's been raised by GOP fundraising front-runner Romney, and four times what Giuliani garnered.
Three times what Romney took in. Four times what Giuliani collected.

Congressman Paul's view of the Iraq war, if you haven't been paying close attention, is that we went in illegally, it's going badly, and we should "just come home."

The people with the medals are sending him checks.

That shouldn't be kept secret.

Copyright 2007

Editor's note: You might be interested to read "The Motive for War: How to End the Violence in Iraq" and "A Plan to Get Out of Iraq: Blackstone's Fundamental Rights and the Power of Property." You might also be interested in the earlier post, "Why you should vote for Ron Paul."
