Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday spirits

America Wants To Know has been working day and night to perfect a low-calorie egg nog, and we are happy to report that we have done it.

If you'd like a damn-the-torpedoes, tomorrow-we-die recipe, click here for President Reagan's Favorite White House Eggnog. (Peace through strength, baby, and Merry Christmas!)

But if you're confident that bikini season will come again and the end of the world will not save us from it, we proudly present:

America Wants To Know's Summer-is-Coming Diet Eggnog

For each two servings:

1 large whole egg, very fresh
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup Splenda® sweetener
1/2 cup 2% milk
1 ounce brandy
1 ounce rum
1 ounce bourbon
Freshly grated nutmeg

Put the egg, vanilla and Splenda® into a blender and blend on high speed until frothy. Add milk and blend well. Add brandy, rum and bourbon, blend again, and pour into two glasses. Dust the top of each serving with nutmeg.

Calories: About 165 per serving.
Options: You can double the alcohol. It will add 96 calories per serving, but only you know what kind of year it's been.
Warnings: Raw eggs may not be safe to consume; if your immune system is less than top-notch, make a White Russian instead. Watch your fingers on that nutmeg grater. And, of course, don't drink and drive.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a happy and healthy New Year to you and yours from America Wants To Know. Here's to a better 2009!

Copyright 2008
