Friday, December 12, 2008

Rod Blagojevich saves America

Just when it looked like the U.S. auto industry was about to join the financial industry as a ward of the federal government, just when it looked like a new president and his majorities in Congress were going to force the U.S. energy industry to commit suicide on orders from a computer climate model, just when it looked like another four hundred or five hundred or seven hundred billion dollars of your hard-earned tax money was about to be buried in concrete, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich saved America.

With his boyish good looks and burlesque ethics, the man from Chicago brought fans of freedom to their feet cheering this week. It will be a good long time before the voters trust any politician's word on anything.

You can argue until you're blue in the face that big government spending programs are nothing but a swamp of corruption and an irresistible invitation to abuse of power.

But nothing gets the point across like a Chicago pol on an FBI wiretap.

What a performance. Trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat for a million dollars was good, but holding up funds for a children's hospital until he got a huge campaign contribution from a hospital official was better. Also deserving of special mention was the phony-baloney foundation he wanted to set up with coerced contributions so he could draw a big salary while pretending to work on health care.

The man is truly outstanding in his field.

The Constitution limits the power of the federal government, and for good reason.

But since nobody seems to have a copy of it, we're lucky we have Rod Blagojevich.

Copyright 2008
