Tuesday, September 02, 2008

They're here! The Sarah Palin jokes from Argus Hamilton

Comedian and columnist Argus Hamilton came into the office today carrying a stack of newspapers, and he was smiling.

"Every day," he said, "I love her more."

Of course he was talking about GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, the gift that keeps on giving.

Argus has decided to maintain an ongoing online collection of the Sarah Palin jokes from his syndicated daily column. Sarah Palin joins Eliot Spitzer and the California recall election on the very exclusive list of those who have been so honored.

Bookmark http://www.ArgusHamilton.com/palin.htm for the Sarah Palin jokes, or visit http://www.ArgusHamilton.com/argus.htm for the entire daily column.

Demands for apologies and requests for personal appearances and interviews should be directed to Argus@ArgusHamilton.com.
