Sunday, August 31, 2008

McCain's irresponsible choice

He's going to win, but he was going to win anyway, even before he put All About Eve on the ticket.

John McCain won the election when Russian tanks rolled into Georgia and a Russian general threatened a nuclear attack on Poland. Barack Obama has no military or national security experience and he is forty-seven years old. He will not be able to convince the country to trust him with the keys to the Pentagon.

Senator Obama might have won the election on his opposition to the war in Iraq, except that the U.S. election will take place during a temporary period of quiet in Iraq created by the police presence of U.S. troops. Two years from now, when Moqtada al-Sadr returns from Iran and blows up Baghdad in an effort to take control of Iraq's oil revenue, John McCain will be safely in the Oval Office calling on Americans to sacrifice.

Unless he's dead.

That happens sometimes.

And if it happens to John McCain, he has placed the country's future in the hands of a 44-year-old mother of five from Alaska who told voters in Pittsburgh on Saturday that it was "great to see another part of the country."

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin could become president of the United States and commander in chief of the U.S. Armed Forces after less than two years as the governor of a state with the population of Memphis.

Senator McCain did nothing to buttress his argument that Sarah Palin is ready to be president at the event announcing her selection, when he stood behind her fingering his wedding ring and glancing repeatedly at the back of her hips.

But he's going to win.

The good news: Sarah Palin's views on oil drilling and global warming are an indication that John McCain will move the country toward an energy policy based on reality instead of one based on wishfulness, subsidies, mandates and punitive taxation.

The bad news: the next president of the United States just made a reckless decision that may have been based on a narcissistic desire to be seen as young, cool and exciting.

John McCain's first wife says he left her for a younger woman because he was forty and he wanted to be twenty-five.

Today he called Sarah Palin "a partner and a soul mate."

Cindy McCain should kick him to the curb right now. She already has her own plane and she doesn't have to take this.

Copyright 2008
