Monday, February 25, 2008

Hillary Clinton's real record

Send the kids out of the room and let's talk.

Hillary Clinton has been campaigning for president for what feels like twenty years on the claim that she has a thirty-five-year record of accomplishment, fighting for and making change on behalf of women and children and fill-in-the-blank Americans.

Hillary Clinton does have a record of accomplishment, but it's not the one she's touting.

This is Hillary Clinton's record of accomplishment: She has saved Bill Clinton's ass.

Many times.

When Gennifer Flowers came forward in 1992 and revealed her twelve-year affair with the married governor of Arkansas, Hillary Clinton went on "60 Minutes" and saved Bill Clinton's ass.

When Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for defamation and the discovery process unearthed an affair with a White House intern, Hillary Clinton saved Bill Clinton's ass.

When investigators asked questions about questionable financial links to a failed savings and loan, when the White House Counsel committed suicide and papers from his office safe vanished before investigators could get there, when FBI files of Republican opponents were improperly reviewed by White House political aides, when the White House Travel Office staff was fired and then smeared with false allegations of criminal conduct, when the Lincoln Bedroom was booked full of Democratic donors like a high-roller suite at a Las Vegas hotel, when Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice, Hillary Clinton saved Bill Clinton's ass.

If not for Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton might still be in Arkansas harassing beauty queens.

Hillary Clinton is a sharp cookie.

Too sharp to run on her real record.

So she claims to have a record of achieving children's health care and fiscal discipline and job growth and prosperity and good relations with countries around the world.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Hillary Clinton has a record of saving Bill Clinton's ass.

If you think that's a skill we need in the Oval Office, go ahead and vote for her.

You'll never find anybody who's better at it.

Copyright 2008
