Saturday, January 19, 2008

Will Fred Thompson endorse Rudy Giuliani?

For a year now the GOP candidates have crawled at the feet of diner customers in New Hampshire, panted after butter sculptors in Iowa, and thumped Bibles in South Carolina.

Play time is over. Small-state Bingo has left the Republican party with no front-runner.

Now we're going to hear from Florida, California, New York, and Illinois.

Speculation filled the airwaves Saturday night that Fred Thompson might drop out of the race and endorse John McCain, but America Wants To Know would be surprised if that happened.

We think the sophisticated Californian will endorse the sophisticated New Yorker.

We think the Republican party is ready to donate substantial sums of money to the candidate who was most recently mayor of Wall Street.

We think the Republican party is about to get serious.

We're still for Ron Paul, of course.

But we would not be surprised if John McCain found his post-South Carolina fundraising to be disappointing, and if Mike Huckabee got lost on the California freeways looking for an evangelical church.

No one should count out Mitt Romney. But we think major Republican donors will coalesce behind a Catholic New Yorker before they support a Massachusetts Mormon.

And we think the actor from California will choke on his latte before he endorses the man whose campaign finance reform tried to rewrite the First Amendment.

Just a guess. Our psychics are off this weekend.

Copyright 2008

Editor's note: You might be interested in this post from last September, "Prediction: Giuliani-Gingrich vs. Clinton-McCain."
