Monday, January 07, 2008

Broken-glass Democrats

America Wants to Know wrote in November that Republicans would come out of their graves and crawl over broken glass to vote against Hillary Clinton, but it looks like Democrats have beaten them to it.

Hillary Clinton's advisers told reporters after the Iowa caucuses that their candidate had been hurt by an unexpectedly large turnout, and that a similarly large turnout in New Hampshire could be disastrous.

Today, a day ahead of the vote in New Hampshire, state officials and pollsters predicted an enormous turnout and a landslide victory for Barack Obama.

Of course, it's possible that all these Democrats are motivated to turn out for Barack Obama and would turn out to vote for him no matter who else was on the ballot.

No, we don't think so either.

There are Democrats, a lot of them, who are crawling over broken glass to vote against Hillary Clinton.


Maybe they don't think she could win in November.

Or maybe they're tired of the strong-arm, smash-mouth, arrogant, machine politics that demand support for the family member of a former president, as if the United States was a third-world tin-pot dictatorship.

We can only speculate. We're for Ron Paul.

Copyright 2008
