Monday, January 02, 2006

Judge Alito's dingbat handlers

The New York Times reports today that participants in the rehearsals for Judge Samuel Alito's confirmation hearings are very pleased with his performance. Wait until you hear why.

"He will have a couple hairs out of place," one participant said. "I am not sure his glasses fit his facial features. He might not wear the right color tie. He won't be tanned. He will look like he is from New Jersey, because he is. That is a very useful look, because it is a natural look. He's able to go toe-to-toe with senators, and at the same time he could be your son's Little League coach."

Wait, it gets worse.

In two weeks of murder boards organized last month by Rachel Brand of the Office of Legal Policy at the Justice Department, Judge Alito spoke confidently without notes, just as Chief Justice Roberts did before the committee. Like the chief justice, Judge Alito displayed an encyclopedic mastery of Supreme Court rulings. And again like the chief justice, he spoke at length without drinking from the pitcher of water or sampling the cookies on the table before him, participants said.

What a picture.

Pale, mussed-up, eyeglasses askew. Refusing to drink the water or eat the cookies.

First they roughed him up and then they tried to poison him.

He must have told them the president can't wiretap without a warrant.

Copyright 2006
