Friday, November 25, 2005

Bill Richardson's hilarious draft dodge

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson was forced to admit Thursday that his decades-old claim to have been drafted by Major League Baseball's Kansas City Athletics team in 1966 was, well, not true.

"After being notified of the situation and after researching the matter ... I came to the conclusion that I was not drafted by the A's," he said.

Governor Richardson came to that conclusion after the Albuquerque Journal investigated and found out that there was absolutely no truth whatsoever to the story.

Still the governor, who was a right-handed pitcher for Tufts University, wouldn't admit that he's been untruthful all these years. This is from the Associated Press story:

He insisted his name appeared on "a draft list of some kind" created by the Los Angeles Dodgers and Pittsburgh Pirates. He named team scouts, whom he said told him that he "would or could" be drafted. The scouts have since died.

Of all the bad luck.

It's okay, Governor, we believe you. Memory is a funny thing. Very funny.

Copyright 2005
