Friday, June 03, 2005

The secret of Hollywood politics

Why is almost everyone in Hollywood a liberal Democrat? Many reasons may jump into your mind but there's one you probably never thought about, and it was on display at two fund-raisers for Hillary Clinton Wednesday night.

One event was a $1,000-per-person dinner at the home of Warner Bros. executive Alan Horn. The other was a late-night get-together at the home of "Independence Day" director Roland Emmerich, co-hosted by Christina Aguilera, Scarlett Johansson and Lindsay Lohan, among others. The co-hosts paid $1,000 each and tickets to the event were priced at $125 and $250.

Organizers of both events reported that they had to turn people away, demand to get in was so great.


Why do you think?

How do you meet a director in Hollywood? How do you get in to see a studio executive? How do you get Scarlett Johansson to read your screenplay or sign with your agency? In a business that's built on contacts and relationships, networking is no easy task in a city where security makes the U.S. Capitol look like a market in Beirut.

How many people in Hollywood lay awake nights fearing the consequences of Republican policies on taxes and stem-cell research? Some, but more are worried about aging and unemployment. That's what keeps them up at night. Well, okay, that and cocaine. Either way, $125 or even $1,000 is a small price to pay to stay in touch with people who might be able to get you your next job.

Now you know why Hollywood Democrats supported campaign finance reform. If donations aren't limited they'll all go broke doing this.

Copyright 2005



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