Sunday, December 20, 2009

Royal travels

Will everyone please stop complaining that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi travels like a queen?

Yes, it's true, she took five Air Force jets to Copenhagen because she had to be there to offer your hard-earned tax dollars to Third World socialists and tin pot dictators.

Yes, she tried to get a bigger Air Force jet to fly back and forth from Washington to California because she didn't want to be inconvenienced by refueling stops or, heaven forbid, commercial flights.

But it is simply wrong to accuse her of traveling like a queen.

This is a picture of the queen traveling to her Sandringham estate for Christmas:

Really, that's the Queen of England.

Queen Elizabeth chose to travel on an ordinary commuter passenger train, elegantly and regally making the point that she understands the economic hardship in her country and is not out-of-touch with the British public.

It's probably no accident that Her Majesty did this on the very day Prime Minister Gordon Brown and her son, the Prince of Wales, took separate jets to the U.N. Climate Conference in Copenhagen to lecture everyone else on the importance of reducing their carbon footprint.

So let's all stop insulting the queen by accusing Nancy Pelosi of acting like her.

If you are annoyed at Speaker Pelosi for her policies or her perks, here's something constructive you can do about it.

Meet John Dennis:

He's running for Congress in California's 8th Congressional district, currently represented by Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

Here's his website,

Here's his page on the issues of "Liberty & Privacy," where he begins by quoting Patrick Henry: "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government."

Here's the page where you can chip in five or ten dollars to his campaign:

If you'd like to send Speaker Pelosi a message, you can always call her office. But if you'd like to make sure she gets the message, send five dollars to John Dennis for Congress.

Copyright 2009