Saturday, February 07, 2009

Drowning Michael Phelps

Record-breaking Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps was photographed smoking marijuana and now he's in a lot of trouble.

Not because smoking marijuana is a big deal.

But because he is a walking demonstration that it isn't.

The official position of the United States government is that marijuana is so dangerous that it cannot be used safely in any manner by anyone. It destroys your body, it destroys your mind, it takes away your motivation to succeed, it sets you on a path to ruin.


Michael Phelps is setting a very bad example.

Anyone looking at him and those eight gold medals around his neck would be forced to conclude that marijuana can be used in moderation by responsible adults without causing any harm to their bodies or their lives.

Watch for a character assassination campaign against the Olympic swimming star. Watch for the drug czars and czarinas to let it be known that Mr. Phelps is not the heroic and upstanding citizen he appears to be, but instead is a substance-abusing, drunk-driving train wreck. Watch for slimy little unattributed quotations to seep into the news stories about him until every sponsor lets his endorsement contract quietly expire.

If the drug warriors don't destroy Michael Phelps, they'll have to explain why human resources professionals are forced to test the urine of job applicants for marijuana.

If they don't destroy Michael Phelps, they'll have to explain why the federal government is raiding medical marijuana clinics in California.

If they don't destroy Michael Phelps, they'll have to explain why police departments and prisons are wasting time, space and tax dollars dealing with the crime of marijuana possession.

They'll have to explain these things to all the voters who think marijuana should be decriminalized.

Then maybe the voters will explain to them why Prohibition required a constitutional amendment.

Copyright 2009

Editor's note: You might be interested in the essay, "Marijuana, Prohibition and the Tenth Amendment," at
