Sunday, November 02, 2008

Pennsylvania scramble

Pollsters and pundits keep telling us there is a Democratic wave this year which cannot be resisted by mere mortal Republicans, and yet....

In Pennsylvania, Rep. Jack Murtha is fighting for his political life.

We know this because last night at 7:30 p.m., the Murtha campaign asked us for help publicizing former President Bill Clinton's appearance with Rep. Murtha at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Sports Center on Monday.

Apparently America Wants To Know was added to a list of Rep. Murtha's supporters in the blogosphere after we gave him credit for having the guts to call to for an end to the U.S. military involvement in Iraq.

Well, we do give him credit for that.

And we're happy to help promote Monday's event at UPJ. To RSVP, call 1-866-831-8264. Doors open at 2:00. Don't bring an umbrella, the Secret Service frowns on phallic symbols at President Clinton's events.

Go Mountain Cats!
