Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Clintons knife each other

Hillary Clinton's victory speech in Indiana Tuesday night included a gracious thank-you to her supporters.

The senator's daughter and husband stood behind her while she acknowledged a long list of elected officials who had endorsed her and campaigned for her in Indiana and North Carolina.

Then she talked about her family.

"Didn't Chelsea do a great job?" she asked the crowd, to a thunderous ovation.

"And I know a lot of people enjoyed seeing my husband again," she said.


No "thank-you", no "great job," no stream of praise for his accomplishments, no faux affection for the cameras.

She didn't even include herself among the people who enjoyed seeing him.

He didn't look any too happy about it.

Revenge was quick.

This morning, Senator George McGovern spoke to the press about his decision to switch his support from Senator Clinton to Senator Obama. He had a conversation with Bill Clinton, McGovern said, and the former president made no effort to change his mind. "He just wanted me to know that he thinks that Hillary has made a great race and it's up to her to decide when she leaves," McGovern said.


If Chelsea can patch them up this time, she ought to get a talk show. She'd beat Dr. Phil like a drum.

Copyright 2008
