Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II spits upon the European Union

While the entire U.S. press corps was obsessing about hats and protocol and winks and scowls, everyone seems to have missed Queen Elizabeth's resolute and crystal clear statement that the United Kingdom ought to stay aligned with the United States economically, and not join the European Union in its effort to establish an economic rival to America.

Did you miss it?

In a toast to the President of the United States at Monday night's state dinner, Her Majesty said: "Divided or alone we can be vulnerable. But if the Atlantic unites, not divides us, ours is a partnership always to be reckoned with in the defense of freedom and the spread of prosperity. That is the lesson of my lifetime."

It's characteristic of Americans that we are utterly disinterested in other countries, so you may not know or care about the debate that has taken place in Britain over whether to join the EU, give up the pound and switch to the Euro, and generally throw in with the French and the Germans in any dispute between Europe and America.

A partnership always to be reckoned with. The defense of freedom. The spread of prosperity. The lesson of her lifetime.

Her Majesty has spoken: Britain chooses the United States over Europe.

The hats are lovely but it's a shame to cover up such a fine mind.

Copyright 2007

Editor's note: You might be interested in the earlier post, "Why the European Union will collapse."
