Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Las Vegas diary

America Wants To Know has just wrapped up a five-day visit to Las Vegas, where the International Brotherhood of Street Gangs was holding its annual convention at all the major hotels and sometimes in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard, and we briefly ducked into the Aladdin Hotel to get out of the line of fire and happened to have the opportunity to see The Fab Four show.

As you might know or guess, it's a Beatles impersonation show performed by four musicians, along with two go-go dancers and a comedian who plays Ed Sullivan.

The musical performances were really remarkable, especially the Sgt. Pepper-era songs that re-created in a live show all the elements that took months to put together in a studio.

It was so realistic that halfway through the production, the singer playing Paul McCartney arm-wrestled a naked Japanese woman for top billing on Yesterday.

No kidding, if you get a chance to see these guys, take advantage of it. You can find their upcoming appearances listed on their web site, www.thefabfour.com.

Copyright 2007
