Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Paul McCartney's secret

Just when everybody thought it was big news that Britney Spears' car seat was facing the wrong direction, Paul McCartney announced that he has separated from his second wife.

That's more like it.

Panting divorce lawyers rushed into the streets to tell reporters that Sir Paul should not let the soon-to-be-former Mrs. McCartney take him to the cleaners. "If I was acting for Sir Paul and he wanted a fight--and he can certainly afford one," London attorney Alan Kaufman volunteered, "I would take it all the way through the courts and argue that a fair settlement would be a lot less than 200 million pounds."

You see, Paul McCartney, whose net worth is written in numbers usually seen only in federal budget deficit reports, did not ask Heather Mills to sign a pre-nuptial agreement.

Ah, nothing's free. Especially talent.

You can't write those transcendant love songs unless you really, truly, down to your bones, believe in love.

So when Paul McCartney writes that check, he shouldn't regret one penny of it. It's not the price of a mistake. It's the price of the gift.

Copyright 2006
