Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Clintons make another deal

The New York Daily News reports today that former president Bill Clinton has agreed to give his wife the "final say" over everything he says and does. The paper said it got the story from "multiple sources." It didn't say how long it took the sources to get the words out while they were rolling on the floor and laughing so hard they could barely catch their breath.

Then again, if the sources are on the Clintons' payroll, it's their job to keep a straight face. Some of them have shown almost superhuman skill over the years.

The Daily News says this new deal between the Clintons stems from the couple's recent split over the Dubai Ports World deal -- Bill was advising the company how to get the deal to go through while Hillary was on Capitol Hill loudly trying to stop it. Fortunately, the disagreement wasn't serious enough to require the Clintons to give back the money they accepted from Dubai for Bill's speeches and for his presidential library.

While the story says Bill has agreed to give Hillary a veto over his words and actions, the paper was silent on what Hillary has agreed to give Bill.

Let's guess. An ambassadorship. A lap dancer. Another round of forgiveness on the network news magazines.

All of the above.

The truth is, Bill Clinton plays a vital role in Hillary Clinton's campaigns. He provides a lively misdirection so no one notices the suspicious fund-raising hauls on her financial disclosure forms.

Copyright 2006
